Anhui Ankenn Co. Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and exporter of pet products. We are founded in 2003.
Company in numbers:
8800 square meters workshop, 200 skilled employees, implemented modern manufacturing techniques and ISO 9001 certification. Equipped with advanced machinery Ankenn Pet Products have one of the highest production outputs in the industry.
We are very familiar with international customers and practices, which is why our current market includes USA, Europe, Japan, Middle East and South-East Asia. We have our own brand ANKENN. We can do products according to our customers’ request too.
Company Policy: Respect and loyalty are the key success factors in any relationship. These mixed with the best quality products and fair price makes us confident we can be your pet product supplier in China with exceeding success.
We would like to invite either old or new customers to stop by and pay a visit to our factory anytime.